disclapmix 1.7.5
- New vignette "Adaptive fitting"
- ‘disclapmix_adaptive()':
- Allowing to take 'label' and generators for 'init_y' ('init_y_generator') and
'init_v' ('init_v_generator') - refer to the "Adaptive fitting" vignette.
- Allowing 'disclapmix_adaptive()' to take multiple 'criteria'’s
- Not necessary to supply '_marginal' suffix for 'criteria'
- Add 'cluster' argument to 'simulate()' to force simulating from a
particular cluster
- 'disclapmix()' for 'glm_method' '': 'covmat' calculated more efficiently
- Parameters for 'disclapmix_robust()' controlling retries with random subsets
- Include check for if data contains ‘NA'’s
- New 'init_y_method': 'hclust'
- 'predict' can now accept NA values, in which case that locus is
ignored (corresponding to marginalising over that locus).
disclapmix 1.7.4 (2022-06-29)
- 'disclapmix()' takes new agument: 'init_v' (initial posterior probabilities
to get EM started)
- 'disclapmix()' takes new agument: 'ret_x' of whether to return data or
not -- the default is not to (as opposed to earlier behaviour)
- Added function 'disclapmix_robust()' which is a wrapper
around 'disclapmix()' that tries to avoid errors.
Can sometimes avoid errors with svd problems.
- Added function 'disclapmix_adaptive()' which is a wrapper around
'disclapmix_robust()' that instead of fitting one model for a given
number of clusters, fits models until the best model (lowest marginal BIC)
is in the interior (with margin 'M') of all number of clusters tried.
E.g., the best model has 3 clusters and the margin 'M = 5', then
this function ensures that models with 1, 2, ..., 3+5 = 8 clusters
are fitted. If e.g. then 7 is better than 3, then it continues such that
also models with up to 7+5 = 12 clusters are fitted.
disclapmix 1.7.3 (2019-03-12)
- Adding suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) to tests as a result
disclapmix 1.7.2 (2019-01-09)
- Maintenance updates
- Remove Makevars files as not required by Rcpp >= 0.11.
disclapmix 1.7.1
- Tag for the The Journal of Open Source Software paper:
disclapmix 1.7 (2018-04-22)
- Moving to Github
- Roxygen
- testthat
- Travis CI
disclapmix 1.6.3
- Avoid two centers being equal (mainly a problem for very few loci)
- Internal: PedigreeSums added with increased stack size and progress indicator
disclapmix 1.6.2 (2015-09-09)
- Minor technical changes for keeping CRAN checks happy
disclapmix 1.6.1 (2015-06-12)
- Plot functionality for disclapmix was broken for fits with only one
disclapmix 1.6 (2015-01-16)
- Plot functionality for disclapmix fit takes an argument for the
distances between clusters (defaults to clusterdist(x)). This
can be used if the distances have been precalculated.
- Minor technical changes for keeping CRAN checks happy
disclapmix 1.5 (2014-06-14)
- Added AICc (Akaike Information Criterium with finite sample correction)
- Added plot functionality for a disclapmix fit
- Corrected number of model observations, leading to corrected BIC values (AIC not affected)
- Error in full likelihood ratio corrected (not used for model selection)
disclapmix 1.4 (2014-04-25)
- Added separation of two persons mixtures (see example in ?rank_contributor_pairs)
- Added AIC (Akaike Information Criterium) for a model disclapmixfit
disclapmix 1.3 (2014-04-07)
- Added simulate from fitted model
- Added haplotype diversity calculation from a fitted model
- Added parameter to control number of IRLS iterations (glm_control_maxit)
- Added parameter to control IRLS convergence (glm_control_eps)
- Changed default iterations to 100L, glm_control_maxit to 50L and
glm_control_eps to 1e-6
- Fixed error with no IRLS output for verbose = 2L expect for
- Small changes in verbose output
disclapmix 1.2 (2013-10-16)
- Changed default glm_method to internal_coef due to speed considerations
- Fixed issues when having one cluster, one locus or both
disclapmix 1.1 (2013-10-11)
- Code changes for OS X, Windows and Solaris compatibility
disclapmix 1.0 (2013-10-10)
- Totally rewritten such that the algorithm is more memory and CPU
efficient and can be used to analyse larger datasets
- Internal IRLS algorithm implemented, much faster than for this
kind of data. is still available. See glm_method in ?disclapmix.
- NOTE: Updated API
disclapmix 0.4
- Fixed error when there is no variation in a subpopulation
disclapmix 0.3 (2013-03-06)
- Fixed error such that verbose = 1 outputs progress information
- Number of model parameters corrected, which changes marginal and
full BIC slightly, but only with a constant change meaning that for the
same data, the optimal number of centers is the same
disclapmix 0.2 (2012-04-16)
- disclapmix: verbose more fine grained
- FIXED: disclapmix: use.parallel = TRUE created problems under Windows
- Corrected minor documentation errors
disclapmix 0.1 (2012-04-13)